Monday, February 22, 2010

Out on the Tiles

Oh why oh why, do I do this to myself. After four+ years of college I'm still waiting till the last minute to do projects and when I say last minute, for this project, I really, REALLY mean it. Eh who am I kidding, its only... a year and two months late! This is what I'm up against. I'm to create a project utilizing a power point slide show to delineate the historical accuracies and inaccuracies of the depiction of Spartacus in the eponymous 1960 film. To begin, I'm writing a 2 page essay laying out the crux of my project and following it with a series of slides displaying images and information pertinent to my topic. For each slide I am to write a paragraph or two explaining why I used the image I did and how it backs up my argument. This should be incredibly simple, and I've made it the linchpin of my entire collegiate career! That's not hyperbole either. If I compete this project satisfactorily I'll complete an incomplete in my Roman History class and get the three credits I'll need at the end of the semester to graduate this May. If not... well there's no option for failure. Come hell or high water, I'm finishing this project. Once this is done, the flood gates will open. I'll stop worrying about finishing this and be able to focus next on knocking out my 20th century American Poetry independent study credit, and once THAT's cleared out, I'll be back to a far more manageable six class schedule for the rest of the semester.

I really just need time to pause for a day or two so I can knock these things out and start back up again caught up and refreshed. How Borgesian of me right? There's just so much going on, I'm constantly overwhelmed. I try to keep a strong face for Lauren, because I know she's got so much stress of her own to deal with (wedding, being pregnant, being with me) that I'm afraid to show her how freaked out I am by the prospect of letting her down. I do believe that when this semester is over, I will have earned a well-deserved night out with the guys. Hopefully Ladybug will agree to come pick me up when its all said and done... (editor's note: she said she would, she DOES love me!)

Alright, well I just wanted to stretch my writing muscles a little bit before diving back into this project. Please wish me luck, I really need it.

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